Goodbye 2015. Hello 2016!!
Hello!!!! Long time no see, right? 🙂 Before anything else, I hope you had a great Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a great start
Hello!!!! Long time no see, right? 🙂 Before anything else, I hope you had a great Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a great start
Primeiro que tudo, não votei. Não votei não porque não quis, mas porque simplesmente o boletim de voto nunca chegou até mim.Sim, tenho a morada
How can one not be worried?!…News are popping out all over, of another plane crash, this time, close enough to me to scare the hell
Monday, after a marvelous weekend far away from all the Carnival madness that was going on in town.No traffic, empty parking lot, coffee machines switched
That’s what we had…I hope those who shared the same blood as you, do not mind I’m bring you to this internet world, but I
Yes, it still works and there’s still a Porty on this side of the screen trying to update this online diary, but life does not
Acabei de ler que a sonda Philae só deve acordar no próximo ano, assim que os responsáveis pela missão conseguirem determinar a sua exacta localização.E
Aos idiotas que: Andam com luzes de nevoeiro ligadas, quando o céu está limpo; Vão de máximos ligados e mesmo depois de insistentemente
Moving to a different country as shown me how much I love my own country. A nice eye-opener, if you ask me. I find myself
Hi, I'm Bárbara!
From PT living in NL
Love to travel & photograph as many memories as possible!
| Design by BarbaraDesigns