First things first:
Long time no see, hum?
Oh well, life has been happening and just not enough time or inspiration to write.
But I hope whoever is reading this, is been having a great time and enjoying the Spring/Summer time.
Over here, the Summer last a few hours/month…
And today’s post is about one of those days, where a Spring day just felt like Summer.
What to do in such days? Well, go explore the country you live!
Hopped on the train, with destination: DELFT!
Delft? Where’s that? Well, somewhere between Rotterdam and Den Haag.
Before heading there, I asked several people if they knew the place and had some tips, but got 0! Made me doubt about going there, but I’m so glad we did…
Delft is know for the blue and white porcelain (to all my Porties out there: like our traditional tiles!), the famous painter Vermeer, connections to the royal family and for being one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands (750 years old).
I took too many pics in one day therefore, I’m splitting this Delft post into a few (possible 2, 3). Don’t want you to get a photo-OD! 😉
On the way to the city centre, I came across this one; H-A-D to stop and get a good Portuguese espresso. No Pastel de Nata though… #disappointed
Yeah, the building is tilted!
The Huyterhouse
Seriously fell in love with this building!
At the Markt Square – Town Hall building
Live street music!
A nice restaurant’s façade
All pictures with Sony a5100 w/ kit lens.
I hope I made you curious about this city.
Because the Netherlands is not just Amsterdam, I totally recommend you to visit Delft, if you are planning to come this way.
Also, recommend you to come check out the next posts as there is more to see about this beautiful twon! 😉
There are some fun stuff coming up, as well!
See you soon!!