To celebrate post #100, here are some pics & videos from an Epic evening; the cd release show of Epica! This kind of events are always a great opportunity to meet people form all over the world and I love it!!! 😀
Now to main subject: the show: It was great, the whole production was amazing and the lights were just…. wonderful.
Obviously, this is all irrelevant if the music wouldn’t be good, but damn… the new songs are just mind-blowing!!!!
The band was tight and they all performed at their best. You could see on their faces the joy of being on stage again. For a band that tours as much as they do and has been out there for 10 years, it’s quite remarkable. All I can say is that I hope they stick around for 10 more years, kicking some major asses out there and with their new cd, The Quantum Enigma, that shouldn’t be a big problem!
It’s a killer album!!!
As time goes by, some bands decide to reinvent themselves in a more mainstream/poppy like sound, but these guys&girl have taken the non-easy exit, in this music industry. They stay true to themselves, yet refreshing but definitely they do not do music for the masses or at least, not with that in mind.
And you know what? That’s what I appreciate in a band; a band that’s able to refresh, innovate but yet, stay true to themselves and their sound.
On the other hand, TQE will take some time for me to digest but that’s just great; all my favorite albums went through the very same process. If it’s to easy to listen to, then it’s not good enough for me. I like albums that always have something new to discover (it might have something to do with my scientific background), and the TQE is full with that!
Here are a few pics:
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Pictures by www.mcsharq.nl and there you can find a lot more!!!
Some videos:
I sure had a great time!!!
If you still don’t have a copy of the TQE, you can find it here: Epica Webshop
P.S.: this is my honest opinion about the show/cd without any bias.
0 Responses
Parabéns pelo post #100! Excelente post;) Deve ter sido mesmo grande concerto. Como não pude estar presente ansiava por ler/ver/ouvir alguma coisa do que por lá se passou. Fico muito satisfeito por saber que foi muito bom! Já a vi a setlist – tocarem as duas kingdoms of heavens de seguida deve ter sido brutal! E não fecharam com a Consign to Oblivion…estão mesmo a começar uma nova fase.eheh
Quanto ao álbum em si, vou deixar comentário para um pouco mais tarde.